Wednesday, May 18, 2011


                Today in class, we studied for our test. We went over what happened religiously in Rome. We got partners to study for our test and my partner was Julia. We talked about the order of emperors starting with Caesar, then Tiberius, then Caligula, and finally Claudias. We studied about how Caesar issued a census when he was in power. We also studied about Jesus and his teachings created a lot of conflict. This is all me and Julia went over. WE went over a lot of stuff in class. I plan to study for our test and I feel very prepared!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Today in class we went over the test that we are going to take on Thursday. We talked about Octavian and how he was the first emperor of Rome. Then, we talked about Jesus and Paul in a historical view, instead of a biblical view. After that, we talked about Tiberius, and how he was the second emperor, but were crazy. After this, we talked about Caligula and how crazy and rude he was. We talked about how his first seven months were good and then it all went downhill. We also discussed that all of the rumors said about Caligula could either be true or just over exaggerated. Finally, we talked about Claudius and that even though he was made fun of as a child, he was a good and kind emperor. 

3 Emperors

I know this is late, but i forgot to post it all weekend. 

* Stepson of Augustus 
* He was next in line for emperor
* This made people wary because he hadn't earned anyones respect and they feared he did't have enough knowledge in the that job
* He wasn't the first choice of Augustus
* He started off well, then his ideas became more weird and strange

A bust of the Emperor Tiberius.

* Became emperor 25 years old
* He had crazy ideas and people considered him crazy 
* He was murdered by his aids
Bust of Caligula (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek)

* He was disfigured
* People made fun of him and pulled pranks on him before he became emperor
* Proved to be an able and efficient administrator

Bronze bust of Claudius

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Movie about Rome

Yesterday in class, we watched a video about Rome after the death of Julius Caesar. After he died, Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavius, took over. He did a very good job as ruler, taking over and reigning in many lands. During his reign, he basically “owned” the whole entire Mediterranean Sea. Although, his reigning came to an end and he died and his step son Tiberius took over. People were weary when letting him rule their empire, and his reign proved fatal. He did a very bad job as dictator, with armies turning against him because he treated his people poorly. We haven’t gotten pretty far in the movie, but from what I can tell it looks like Rome’s great reign is coming to an end.

Greece and Rome test Review

In class on Monday, we reviewed and went over the test on Greece and the test on Rome. The test on Rome I did very well on and felt very confident about. The test on Greece, I knew the answers once we went over them, but during the test I kept putting all the wrong answers. That explains why I didn’t do so well on that test. For the test on Greece, I studied for it and paid attention in class. I think I just got nervous during the test, so I kept putting wrong answers even for questions that I knew

Thursday, May 5, 2011


         Today in class we watched power points. First, i learned that the Eutrascins had their own written language which is where Rome got most of their writing techniques from. Then, they showed us that Rome had a king called Tarquin, but he was a very bad king. After the people realized this, they never had a dictator again and this is when they invented their republican government. The plebians were considered "under" the patricians. The punic wars were between Carthage and Rome and there were about three of them. Latifundia was added from the spoils of war, and it was worked by farmers and those with not high power. The Gracchus Brothers were Roman plebian nobles. As nobles, they attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge places of patrician land among the plebeians. They were both assassinated for their attempts. Caesar was killed because the Senate feared he was too powerfull. The roman roads allowed the Romans to do many things between trading goods to moving armies. The Romans have a big history, and I learned mch about it today in class.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Julius Caesar PowerPoint

                Today in class we picked partners to create a PowerPoint. Then, we picked numbers that said what paragraph from the rap we would be basing our PowerPoint off of.  My group picked number four, randomly, which was about Gaius Julius Caesar, also known as Julius Caesar. He achieved many things during his life time, and even led Rome into a full empire. He led the war which ended with a victory and power over Gaul. He also created an alliance with Crassus and Pompey called the First Triumvirate. He did and achieved so many great things, but sadly was killed in 44 BC. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

This is a picture of the Tiber River.

This is a picture of the Roman senate.

This is a picture of the Alps.

This is the Carthage army leader, Hannibal.

This is a picture of the latifundia system in ancient Rome.

These are the Gracchus brothers.

This is a statue of Julius Caesar.

This is a picture of Crassus.

This is a picture of Pompey.

This is Cleopatra, queen of Egypt.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Roman Republic Questions and Definitions, lesson 2

1a. Plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government because they didn't have equal rights and when ever they had to go in court for something, the favor would always be for the patricians because there was no written law.

1b. They won reforms by threatening to not participate in the Roman army if they weren't given equal rights.

1c. They made changes by making the government create the twelve tables which were written down laws that described all the rights they wanted so that the government couldn't bend the rules and favor the patrician. These laws were displayed for everyone to see.

2.  The thought they had a balanced government because they claimed that their government was partly a monarchy, partly and aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Roman government won support of conquered people by giving them different laws and regulations, but making sure they stayed and obeyed them.

4a. Carthage appeared the stronger power because they were controlling Italy at first, and were waiting for Rome to come out of their walls which Carthage didn't dare touch.

4b. Rome was the victor because once Carthage left Rome attacked them with 500,000 troops leaving Carthage surprised and forced to surrender.

5. The Battle of Zama was a turning point in history because if Rome didn't win that battle, than Carthage might have become the greatest empire in the world instead of Rome.

6a. The Greeks welcomed Roman armies at first because they thought Rome was trying to help them.

6b. This attitude changed because the Romans began to force them to do things and boss them around after they arrived into their land.

Consul - highest elected office of the Roman Republic; this was the Romans replacement of a king
Veto - latin word for "i forbid"
Senate - considered the aristocratic branch of Rome's government; membership was for life
Assembly - democratic side of Roman government; all citizen soldiers were members of this branch
Dictator - only used in times of crisis for six months; he was a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army
Mercenary - a person who takes role in armed conflict but yet is not part in the conflict

SPQR - letters found on roman coins saying "Senatus Populusque Romanus" 
Twelve Tables - laws written to ensure fareness for Plebeians
Cincinnatus - an aristocrat who served as a consul 
Gauls - a region of Western Europe during the Iron Age and Roman Era
Pyrrhus - a general and statesmen of the Hellenistic Era
Carthage - Romes enemy country that almost defeated Rome in battle
Punic Wars - wars between Carthage and Rome which Rome ended up winning
Hannibal - one of Carthage's army leaders almost leading Carthage to victory against Rome
Battle of Zama - battle that impacted the outcome of who would be the greatest empire; fought between Carthage and Rome; Rome won
Scipio Africanus - he was the Roman leader who lead them to victory against Carthage

The Roman Rebuplic Questions and Definitions

1. Geography helped Rome because it times of war or terrorism, they were very hard to reach because of the mountainous environment. In regular life in Rome, geography was helpful because of the easy access to the Tiber River which made it easy for them to trade things and much more.

2. The Greeks were very important to Rome because this is where Rome got a lot of their key ideas. They took the idea of the gods creating everything from the Greeks, but made it into their own story. They also got the idea of a republican government from the Greeks, too. They took the Greek's idea of  a democracy and critiqued it to their liking. The Latins were important because they were the first settlers in that area. They lived very simple and civilized lives. The Etruscans were important because they invented the type of writing system that Romans used.

3. The values of early Rome society were that they valued strength more than beauty. Their society revolved around their family which was ruled by the father of the house, but the women also did her part in the family to. These qualities were good because they assured discipline and strength.

4a. The roman household was organized by having the oldest male of the house, as I previously explained, the ruler. If anyone was acting out of line, he was the only one do anything to stop them. The mom could say something, but the father could use physical discipline. He could also kill a member of his family, but that was very rare.

4b. The freedom that women had in the family was that they were in charge of the daily running of the household. She had more freedom in Rome than a woman in Athens. Women in Rome had the right to own property and testify in court. She could also give advice to her husband on politics, but yet she couldn’t vote.

5. The army linked to roman society because the constant threat of war forced plebian and patrician men to live double lives as farmers and soldiers. Therefore, all men were required to serve in the army. They had to serve ten years in the army before they could hold a public office.

Republic - a political unit that is not rued by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
Gravitas – the qualities of discipline, strength, and loyalty
Pater familias - by law and custom, power to rule the early Roman household belonged exclusively to one person the eldest man
Toga – an uncomfortable garment that was basically a large blanket draped around a roman in possibly several ways
Patrician – upper-class romans claiming that their ancestors/ fathers helped found Rome giving them the authority to make laws for Rome
Plebians – common farmers, artisans, and merchants (lower than patrician)
Legion – this was their massive military unit that consist of 4 to 6000 soldiers
Century – 80 years

Italy – south of Rome
Rome – an empire first named after Romulus after he conquered the whole area from his brother, Remus
Romulus – brother of Remus; sent out to die in the Tiber river but miraculously survived because they were found and raised by a she-wolf; the decided to build a city near the spot they had been abandoned, but Romulus killed his brother for all of the land
Palatine Hill – Romulus’s hill top
Alps – mountains separating Rome and Italy form the rest of Europe
Tiber River – a geographically great source of trade and navy power for Rome; also where legend has it this is where Remus and Romulus floated down
Forum - an area of ancient Roman cities
Etruscans-third group of settlers in Italy and brought the form of writing to Rome
Latins-wandered across the alps into Italy; first settlers in Italy
Apennines - stretches across entire peninsula and is a mountain range

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ancient Rome Info!

                Today in class we answered the questions about Rome. We went over about the fact that they would take the Greeks ideas and make them into their own. They did this with their republic government which is basically a democracy, except it gives more power to higher people, but the people of the civilization are still voting. They also took the idea about the myths of the gods making things happen. For example, the story about how Romulus and Remus were twin brothers that were raised by a she-wolf after being found floating down a river. They each conquered their own land, but Romulus killed Remus and then named the city, Rome, after himself. There is so much more to learn about Rome, which is what I read about tonight!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Chapter: Rome

                Today in class we didn’t really do much except talk about Mr. Shick being sick over break. Then, he sent us an email with a PDF file which contained a picture of things he wanted us to read. These six pages were about the Roman Empire. It talked about how land shape was important to romans during wars and war strategies. It talked about how the Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans each battled for Italy. It explained that Rome became a republic union after it was forming more into a city. I think that the story and development of Rome is very interesting, just like all of the other topics we have studied!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ancient Greece Test Evaluation!

                Today in class, we took a test on ancient Greece. I think I did pretty well on the test, even though I didn’t feel very confident with my first answer. I don’t think that the test was too difficult, but it also wasn’t too easy. All of the essay questions were also reasonable, but I understood the most about Plato’s cave; therefore, I wrote my essay about Plato’s cave and how it relates to my life.  The video that we watched in class that one time on Youtube really made it a lot easier to understood the concept of it. Over all I think I did well, and I studied for it so I hope I get an A!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ancient Greek Test Review

                Today in class we reviewed for our test Wednesday, but first we all stood in a circle and prayed. Our test is going to cover all of the stuff that we learned from each other’s projects: Greek army, Peloponnesian war, math and science, poetry, plays, Pericles, Plato’s cave, Greek architecture, trial of Socrates, Olympics, Parthenon, philosophers, Plato, and Aristotle. We went around and came up with things that we thought would be important to know and might even be on the test. It was basically just a tiny review for our test on Wednesday and I really hope that we all get A’s, especially me! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 6

* He didn't care about appearence
   - He wasn't very attractive
   - He once convinced drunk people that he was more attractive
* He only cared about the mind
* Gods
   - The Greeks began to take the gods out of heaven and use logic
      and reason
   - This was considered the birth of science
* He used this new science breakthrough to understand people better
* He went around challenging what people thought about things
* He believes that we should make every decision based on what we believe
   and what we stand for
* "The unexamined life is not worth living"
   - You have to make sure that things are right/ equal
   - You also have to fight for what you believe in
* He stood up for the naval leaders and against society
   - He was only one voice so couldn't change there minds
* Because he wouldn't back down he is one of the greatest hero in
   Greek history
* He taught the biggest lesson which was to be a critic to everyone

* He was able to figure out the height of anything that would normally
   be difficult to measure
* He wrote the first book about navigation

* They invaded Athens and all the people had to watch from the inside
   of the city walls
* Pericles decided to stay out last the Spartans but he didn't know that:
   - A plague would hit them
   - They were all so crammed that it spread so fast through everyone
   - Killed over a third of Athens population and then it killed Pericles after
     six months of being sick in 429 BC
* Without a strong leader, everyone wanted to be in control and have
* The naval leaders were thrown in jail for leaving the fellow
   greeks on the battle field
   - They were forced to drink poison hemlock
* Athens began to go down hill and they became frustrated

419 BC

* Sicily wanted to form an Alli with Athens
   - Sicily was being threatened my Sparta
   - They figured why shouldn't we go, kill Sparta and conquer Sicily?
      + They went, and this was not going as well as they thought
         so they called for reinforcements and they got no response
      + It turns out that the Athens had been tricked and they were being
         destroyed as they were fighting
      + With Athens so vulnerable, Persia intervened and teamed up
          with Sparta
* Athenians began to starve on the street
* They turned to Athena, but she wouldn't help them
* Athens surrendered to Lysander in 404 BC
* The walls were turned down and everything was dismantled
  - Their ships were destroyed except for only 12 of them

* The Athenians needed someone to blame
   - They searched for Socrates
   - He was arrested for undermining the states religion and
     poisoning the mind of the youth
   - He was timed as he testified for himself
      + He said that Athens was a horse and he was a fly
         that had to annoy it and make them think
      + If he would have apologized for what he had done
         he probably would have been released
      + He was sentence to death and was actually calm
         about it
      + His friends were crying and he told them to calm
         themselves and be brave

* Athens never its gained its full strength again, but they became a place
   of knowledge, science, and new ideas

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Presentation Day 6

Alexander the Greats Conquest
* Formal Name: Alexander III of Macedon (born in macedon)
* Born in 356 BC
* Died at 32 years old
* Ruled many places
* Most battles were against Persia
* Never lost a battle
* His horse's name was Bucepalus which means ox head
* He died in Babylon
Several possibilities to his death
   - Alcohol poisoning 
   - Syphilis
   - Fever
   - Malaria

1. Where was he born? What was his actually name? Alexander III of Macedon (born in macedon)
2. What was is horses name? Bucepalus
3. What were some reasons he died? Alcohol poisoning, Syphilis, Fever, Malaria

* Greek poet
* Known mostly for Iliad and Odyssey
* Legend has it he is blind
* Some people think that the Greeks just made him up to make the story's sound cooler
   - But nobody once to believe that because thats what we have known for
     so long
   - He also made the stories more interesting because he was blind and yet made things so big
* People thought Homeric Hymns were made by Homer, but recent evidence says otherwise

1. What was Homer known for? Iliad and Odyssey
2. Why did people think that he made the stories more interesting? he was blind and yet made things so big
3. What did people thought Homer could have also wrote? Homeric Hymns

Monday, April 11, 2011

Presentation Day 5

The Hellenic Age (Brynly 95%)
* Considered the Classical preiod
* Severe Style
   - Sculptures took on a relaxed but balanced pose known as Contrapposto
* Highly Classical Style
   - There statues were trying to bring in the Greek gods into their sculptures and people look realistic
   - One of the most important sculptors were Polyclitus of Argos
      + He sculpted in bronze
* Fourth Century Style
   - Three knew sculpture trends were created during this time
* This was the time that Alexander the Great lived

1. What were the three styles that were created during this time? Severe style, Fourth century style, and High classical style
2. Who was one of the besyt highly classical style sculptor? Polyclitus of Argos
3. In what style did three new styles come into the picture? Fourth century style

Ancient Greek battles and armies (Megan 100%)
* Main formation was phalanx which was a rectangular mass
* Hoplites were citizen soldiers
* Helmets protected the nose, cheeks, head and parts of the neck and were made of bronze
* Cuirass was used to protect chest and back
* Aspis was like the shield made out of wood
* They used the spear and xiphos as weapons

1. What was the main formation and who was in these formations? phalanx and hoplites
2. What were the main three protective gear? Helmets, Cuirass, and aspis
3. What were their two main weapons? spear and xiphos

Trial of Socrates (Vinny
* People tried to kill him because of his theory that the earth doesnt revolve around the gods
* He also came up with the theory about the earth not being the center of the earth
* Was sentenced to death

1. What were his theorys? that the earth doesnt revolve around the gods and the earth not being the center of the earth
2. Why was he killed? For blasphemy and poisoning the minds of the youth
3. What was he sentenced to and how did they do this to him? Death by poison hemlock

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Presentations Day 4

Greek Drama (Sam 91%)
* Cult of Dionysus
* Plays
            - Began with prologue
* Three types:
            - Comedy
            - Satyr
            - Tragedy
* Men played all roles
* Pisistratus changed the theater of Dionysus
* Theatre of Dionysus
            - World’s first theater built of stone

1. What did the plays begin with? Prologue
2. What were the three types of drama? Comedy, Satyr, and Tragedy
3. Why was the theatre of Dionysus so important? World’s first theater built of stone

Greek Poets and poetry (Alena 100%)
* Poetry was used in art
* Performers would present poets in song form
* Government hired professional poet writers which praised the rulers and
   inspired other people to support the rulers
* Sappho was a famous poet
            - Considered one of the greatest lyric poets
            - She was an aristocrat
* Homer was a famous poet
            - He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey

1. Why would the government hire poet writers?  Which praised the rulers and inspired other people to support the rulers
2. Who were the two most famous poets? Homer and Sappho
3. What were Homers famous poems? Iliad and Odyssey

Golden Age (Lauren 97%)
* Perciles
            - Belonged to tribe of Acamantis
            - Born a lion which is a symbol of greatness
            - He over threw Thermistocles and remained in power for 32 years
* Religious festivals
            - Panathenia – for athena
            - Dionysia – for god of wine and ecstacy
* Boys were allowed to go to school but girls couldn’t
* Aspasia
            - Pericles divorced his wife for her
            - She has been said to write Pericles speeches
            - She ruined Pericles rep.
* Golden Age
            - Started around 443 BC
            - Three goals were strengthen democracy, expand empire, make Athens
             more beautiful
* Sparta destroyed Athenian navy in a war

1. Who destroyed Athens? Sparta
2. Who lead Athens through the golden age? Pericles
3. What were his three goals? strengthen democracy, expand empire, make Athens more beautiful

Greek Architecture (Brad 95%)
* Greeks life revolved around religion
* Three systems
            - Doric Style
            - Ionic Style
            - Corinthian Style
* Most famous building was the Parthenon

1. What did the Greeks life revolve around? Religion
2. What were the three systems of architecture? Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian style
3. What was the most famous building? The Parthenon

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Presentations Day 3

Math and Science Breakthroughs (Kevin 90%)
* Pythagoras figured out pie
* Archimedes came up with the idea of a screw
* Pythagoras came up with the Pythagorean theorem about the angles of triangles
* They came up with 0
* Euclid invented geometry
* Everything in the world can be explained through math, science, logic, and reason

1. Who came up with the idea of a screw? Archimedes
2. What was the Pythagorean theorem about? Angles of triangles
3. Who invented geometry? Euclid

Alexander the Great (Morgan 100%)
* Born in 356 BC Pella, Macedonia
* Son of Philip of Macedon
* Mother told him he was a greek god
* Student of Aristotle
   - Born in Macedonia
* Received a wild horse when he was 12
* He had to tame the horse
* His name was Bucephalus which named a city after the horse
* Captian in the Macedonian army at the age of 16
* He was nice to people that he conquered so thats why they would fight with him
* Known as one of the greatest general
* 340 BC he was made regent in Macedonia
* Never lost a battle
* Died at age 33 probably from malaria
* He has many names he is called by

1. What was the deal between him and his dad with the horse? He had to tame the horse or he had to pay for the horse
2. Why did he probably do so good in battle? He was nice to people that he conquered so thats why they would want to fight with him
3. How old did he die? Age 33

Greek Philosophers (Tasha 100%)
* Aristotle
   - Brightest student at Plato academy
   - Focused on observation and experience of human life, the natural world, and the western philosophy
   - Turned his mind to categories:
      + logic, physical work, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history
* Plato
   - Born into a wealthy family
   - Real name was Aristocles
   - Wrote the dialogue called the allegory of the cave
   - Studied philosophy, logics, mathematics, and science
* Socrates
   - Powerful thinker
   - The method of question and answer is called the Socratic method
   - Student of Socrates
   - Got sentence to death for mocking the gods and telling them that there is other ways of things happening

1. Who were the three great greek philosophers? Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
2. What were the main things Aristotle studied? logic, physical work, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history
3. Why did Socrates get sentenced to death? For mocking the gods and telling them that there is other ways of things happening

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presentations Day 2

Ancient Greek Art: (Julia 100%)
* Consist of Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, Pottery
* Architecture
   - Doric order (parthenon)
   - Ionic order
   - Corinthian order (not very popular)
* Sculpture
   - Each were different
* Paintings
   - Panel painting
   - Wall painting
   - Polychromy painting
* Pottery
   - Used for every day use (bowls, plates, pots, etc.) and for trophies (like in Olympics)
   - Black, white, red, and yellow were most common colors

1. What were the four different kinds of Ancient Greek Art? Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, Pottery
2. What were the three styles under Architecture? Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian order
3. What were the most common colors used in pottery? Black, white, red, and yellow

Olympics: (Zach 87%)
* Held in honor of Zues
* First games were held in 776 BC
* Usually held every four years
* To be in the games the athletes had to be a free man and live in a city state of Greece
* To play they had to be approved by the king
* They at first only lasted a day, but grew to five days

1. Who were the Olympics help in honor of? Zues
2. When were the very first games held? 776 BC
3. How long did they at first last? How long did they later last? At first, 1 day; Finally, 5 days

Monday, April 4, 2011

Presentation Questions

Peloponnesian War (Kaitlin 96%)
1. Who was it against?
    A: Sparta and Athens 
2. When did it start?
    A: 432 B.C.
3. What city states were involved?
    A: Sparta, Athens, Argos, Corinth, Megara
(Sparta won)

          Today in class we also had cupcakes and pieces of cake. The different colored cupcakes represented Sparta and Athens. The information with the cake will be presented tomorrow!  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ancient Greek Test Revision

                Today in class, we revised our test by going over answers around the class. It was frustrating when there was an answer that I got wrong which I already knew but for some reason put the wrong answer. I am really glad that we went over the test because I feel like I understand the subject better and some answers that weren’t clear are now straightened out for me which is good. The funniest part about today was when Sam asked Morgan about her nails when Morgan was trying to answer a question. Even though Morgan didn’t respond, Sam still continued to talk to her and answer questions. We also were assigned projects for ancient Greece which I am excited to do. I am planning on working hard for it so I can get a good grade to start out the quarter!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ancient Greece Test

      Today in class we took a matching test on ancient Greece. It was based on people and on the titles of important things. When I first started out, I thought that I was doing great. Further down, I began to skip more and more of the questions. By the time I was finished the test my answers began to not match up considering my last answer stated that Xerxes was a Spartan ruler. It’s not that the test was hard, its just that the closer to the ends of class the more I rushed and I freaked out. I think if I was to do it over, I would do it differently and better. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 5

     * He was born a aristocrat
     * He knew that everyone wanted a city fit to rule 
       an empire
     * He turned his attention to the acropolis
             - The Athenians left this untouched since 
               the war against Persia, but Pericles had 
               a different plan
     * This is what Pericles planned on putting on 
       the acropolis
     * The workers were free to design the way they
        pleased instead of being forced to do it a 
        specific way
     * Pericles was very involved in the building of this 
       (which took 15 years)
     * It became the most glorious symbol of their empire
     * There were regular people carved in friezes (500 feet
     * This was the women that Pericles had a relationship
        with even though that wasn't his wife
     * She was foreign, but was treated the same way
       men were treated
     * This was a scandal and surprised everyone
     * She was beautiful and smart
     * Down below the acropolis was the VERY FIRST theater
     * When the audience didn't like the story, they 
       would boo and hiss, but when they liked it, 
       they would cry with the tragedies
              - This was different then out theater because
                 they were much more loud and people 
                 got more into it
    * These stories preformed were called tragedies
      (it was the first invention of drama) or comedies
      (making fun of high powered people)

431 BC

     * Athens wanted to go in war with Sparta because we 
       wanted more (he wasn't satisfied) he was hubris
     * Sparta was the only other city state equal with Athens
     * Victory over Sparta would bring them over topped