Saturday, April 9, 2011

Presentations Day 4

Greek Drama (Sam 91%)
* Cult of Dionysus
* Plays
            - Began with prologue
* Three types:
            - Comedy
            - Satyr
            - Tragedy
* Men played all roles
* Pisistratus changed the theater of Dionysus
* Theatre of Dionysus
            - World’s first theater built of stone

1. What did the plays begin with? Prologue
2. What were the three types of drama? Comedy, Satyr, and Tragedy
3. Why was the theatre of Dionysus so important? World’s first theater built of stone

Greek Poets and poetry (Alena 100%)
* Poetry was used in art
* Performers would present poets in song form
* Government hired professional poet writers which praised the rulers and
   inspired other people to support the rulers
* Sappho was a famous poet
            - Considered one of the greatest lyric poets
            - She was an aristocrat
* Homer was a famous poet
            - He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey

1. Why would the government hire poet writers?  Which praised the rulers and inspired other people to support the rulers
2. Who were the two most famous poets? Homer and Sappho
3. What were Homers famous poems? Iliad and Odyssey

Golden Age (Lauren 97%)
* Perciles
            - Belonged to tribe of Acamantis
            - Born a lion which is a symbol of greatness
            - He over threw Thermistocles and remained in power for 32 years
* Religious festivals
            - Panathenia – for athena
            - Dionysia – for god of wine and ecstacy
* Boys were allowed to go to school but girls couldn’t
* Aspasia
            - Pericles divorced his wife for her
            - She has been said to write Pericles speeches
            - She ruined Pericles rep.
* Golden Age
            - Started around 443 BC
            - Three goals were strengthen democracy, expand empire, make Athens
             more beautiful
* Sparta destroyed Athenian navy in a war

1. Who destroyed Athens? Sparta
2. Who lead Athens through the golden age? Pericles
3. What were his three goals? strengthen democracy, expand empire, make Athens more beautiful

Greek Architecture (Brad 95%)
* Greeks life revolved around religion
* Three systems
            - Doric Style
            - Ionic Style
            - Corinthian Style
* Most famous building was the Parthenon

1. What did the Greeks life revolve around? Religion
2. What were the three systems of architecture? Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian style
3. What was the most famous building? The Parthenon

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