Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Roman Rebuplic Questions and Definitions

1. Geography helped Rome because it times of war or terrorism, they were very hard to reach because of the mountainous environment. In regular life in Rome, geography was helpful because of the easy access to the Tiber River which made it easy for them to trade things and much more.

2. The Greeks were very important to Rome because this is where Rome got a lot of their key ideas. They took the idea of the gods creating everything from the Greeks, but made it into their own story. They also got the idea of a republican government from the Greeks, too. They took the Greek's idea of  a democracy and critiqued it to their liking. The Latins were important because they were the first settlers in that area. They lived very simple and civilized lives. The Etruscans were important because they invented the type of writing system that Romans used.

3. The values of early Rome society were that they valued strength more than beauty. Their society revolved around their family which was ruled by the father of the house, but the women also did her part in the family to. These qualities were good because they assured discipline and strength.

4a. The roman household was organized by having the oldest male of the house, as I previously explained, the ruler. If anyone was acting out of line, he was the only one do anything to stop them. The mom could say something, but the father could use physical discipline. He could also kill a member of his family, but that was very rare.

4b. The freedom that women had in the family was that they were in charge of the daily running of the household. She had more freedom in Rome than a woman in Athens. Women in Rome had the right to own property and testify in court. She could also give advice to her husband on politics, but yet she couldn’t vote.

5. The army linked to roman society because the constant threat of war forced plebian and patrician men to live double lives as farmers and soldiers. Therefore, all men were required to serve in the army. They had to serve ten years in the army before they could hold a public office.

Republic - a political unit that is not rued by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
Gravitas – the qualities of discipline, strength, and loyalty
Pater familias - by law and custom, power to rule the early Roman household belonged exclusively to one person the eldest man
Toga – an uncomfortable garment that was basically a large blanket draped around a roman in possibly several ways
Patrician – upper-class romans claiming that their ancestors/ fathers helped found Rome giving them the authority to make laws for Rome
Plebians – common farmers, artisans, and merchants (lower than patrician)
Legion – this was their massive military unit that consist of 4 to 6000 soldiers
Century – 80 years

Italy – south of Rome
Rome – an empire first named after Romulus after he conquered the whole area from his brother, Remus
Romulus – brother of Remus; sent out to die in the Tiber river but miraculously survived because they were found and raised by a she-wolf; the decided to build a city near the spot they had been abandoned, but Romulus killed his brother for all of the land
Palatine Hill – Romulus’s hill top
Alps – mountains separating Rome and Italy form the rest of Europe
Tiber River – a geographically great source of trade and navy power for Rome; also where legend has it this is where Remus and Romulus floated down
Forum - an area of ancient Roman cities
Etruscans-third group of settlers in Italy and brought the form of writing to Rome
Latins-wandered across the alps into Italy; first settlers in Italy
Apennines - stretches across entire peninsula and is a mountain range

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