Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presentations Day 2

Ancient Greek Art: (Julia 100%)
* Consist of Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, Pottery
* Architecture
   - Doric order (parthenon)
   - Ionic order
   - Corinthian order (not very popular)
* Sculpture
   - Each were different
* Paintings
   - Panel painting
   - Wall painting
   - Polychromy painting
* Pottery
   - Used for every day use (bowls, plates, pots, etc.) and for trophies (like in Olympics)
   - Black, white, red, and yellow were most common colors

1. What were the four different kinds of Ancient Greek Art? Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, Pottery
2. What were the three styles under Architecture? Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian order
3. What were the most common colors used in pottery? Black, white, red, and yellow

Olympics: (Zach 87%)
* Held in honor of Zues
* First games were held in 776 BC
* Usually held every four years
* To be in the games the athletes had to be a free man and live in a city state of Greece
* To play they had to be approved by the king
* They at first only lasted a day, but grew to five days

1. Who were the Olympics help in honor of? Zues
2. When were the very first games held? 776 BC
3. How long did they at first last? How long did they later last? At first, 1 day; Finally, 5 days

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