Thursday, May 5, 2011


         Today in class we watched power points. First, i learned that the Eutrascins had their own written language which is where Rome got most of their writing techniques from. Then, they showed us that Rome had a king called Tarquin, but he was a very bad king. After the people realized this, they never had a dictator again and this is when they invented their republican government. The plebians were considered "under" the patricians. The punic wars were between Carthage and Rome and there were about three of them. Latifundia was added from the spoils of war, and it was worked by farmers and those with not high power. The Gracchus Brothers were Roman plebian nobles. As nobles, they attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge places of patrician land among the plebeians. They were both assassinated for their attempts. Caesar was killed because the Senate feared he was too powerfull. The roman roads allowed the Romans to do many things between trading goods to moving armies. The Romans have a big history, and I learned mch about it today in class.

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