Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Roman Republic Questions and Definitions, lesson 2

1a. Plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government because they didn't have equal rights and when ever they had to go in court for something, the favor would always be for the patricians because there was no written law.

1b. They won reforms by threatening to not participate in the Roman army if they weren't given equal rights.

1c. They made changes by making the government create the twelve tables which were written down laws that described all the rights they wanted so that the government couldn't bend the rules and favor the patrician. These laws were displayed for everyone to see.

2.  The thought they had a balanced government because they claimed that their government was partly a monarchy, partly and aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Roman government won support of conquered people by giving them different laws and regulations, but making sure they stayed and obeyed them.

4a. Carthage appeared the stronger power because they were controlling Italy at first, and were waiting for Rome to come out of their walls which Carthage didn't dare touch.

4b. Rome was the victor because once Carthage left Rome attacked them with 500,000 troops leaving Carthage surprised and forced to surrender.

5. The Battle of Zama was a turning point in history because if Rome didn't win that battle, than Carthage might have become the greatest empire in the world instead of Rome.

6a. The Greeks welcomed Roman armies at first because they thought Rome was trying to help them.

6b. This attitude changed because the Romans began to force them to do things and boss them around after they arrived into their land.

Consul - highest elected office of the Roman Republic; this was the Romans replacement of a king
Veto - latin word for "i forbid"
Senate - considered the aristocratic branch of Rome's government; membership was for life
Assembly - democratic side of Roman government; all citizen soldiers were members of this branch
Dictator - only used in times of crisis for six months; he was a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army
Mercenary - a person who takes role in armed conflict but yet is not part in the conflict

SPQR - letters found on roman coins saying "Senatus Populusque Romanus" 
Twelve Tables - laws written to ensure fareness for Plebeians
Cincinnatus - an aristocrat who served as a consul 
Gauls - a region of Western Europe during the Iron Age and Roman Era
Pyrrhus - a general and statesmen of the Hellenistic Era
Carthage - Romes enemy country that almost defeated Rome in battle
Punic Wars - wars between Carthage and Rome which Rome ended up winning
Hannibal - one of Carthage's army leaders almost leading Carthage to victory against Rome
Battle of Zama - battle that impacted the outcome of who would be the greatest empire; fought between Carthage and Rome; Rome won
Scipio Africanus - he was the Roman leader who lead them to victory against Carthage

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