Thursday, April 14, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 6

* He didn't care about appearence
   - He wasn't very attractive
   - He once convinced drunk people that he was more attractive
* He only cared about the mind
* Gods
   - The Greeks began to take the gods out of heaven and use logic
      and reason
   - This was considered the birth of science
* He used this new science breakthrough to understand people better
* He went around challenging what people thought about things
* He believes that we should make every decision based on what we believe
   and what we stand for
* "The unexamined life is not worth living"
   - You have to make sure that things are right/ equal
   - You also have to fight for what you believe in
* He stood up for the naval leaders and against society
   - He was only one voice so couldn't change there minds
* Because he wouldn't back down he is one of the greatest hero in
   Greek history
* He taught the biggest lesson which was to be a critic to everyone

* He was able to figure out the height of anything that would normally
   be difficult to measure
* He wrote the first book about navigation

* They invaded Athens and all the people had to watch from the inside
   of the city walls
* Pericles decided to stay out last the Spartans but he didn't know that:
   - A plague would hit them
   - They were all so crammed that it spread so fast through everyone
   - Killed over a third of Athens population and then it killed Pericles after
     six months of being sick in 429 BC
* Without a strong leader, everyone wanted to be in control and have
* The naval leaders were thrown in jail for leaving the fellow
   greeks on the battle field
   - They were forced to drink poison hemlock
* Athens began to go down hill and they became frustrated

419 BC

* Sicily wanted to form an Alli with Athens
   - Sicily was being threatened my Sparta
   - They figured why shouldn't we go, kill Sparta and conquer Sicily?
      + They went, and this was not going as well as they thought
         so they called for reinforcements and they got no response
      + It turns out that the Athens had been tricked and they were being
         destroyed as they were fighting
      + With Athens so vulnerable, Persia intervened and teamed up
          with Sparta
* Athenians began to starve on the street
* They turned to Athena, but she wouldn't help them
* Athens surrendered to Lysander in 404 BC
* The walls were turned down and everything was dismantled
  - Their ships were destroyed except for only 12 of them

* The Athenians needed someone to blame
   - They searched for Socrates
   - He was arrested for undermining the states religion and
     poisoning the mind of the youth
   - He was timed as he testified for himself
      + He said that Athens was a horse and he was a fly
         that had to annoy it and make them think
      + If he would have apologized for what he had done
         he probably would have been released
      + He was sentence to death and was actually calm
         about it
      + His friends were crying and he told them to calm
         themselves and be brave

* Athens never its gained its full strength again, but they became a place
   of knowledge, science, and new ideas

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 22/25
    2) 21/25
    3) 25/25
    4) 21/25

    Total: 89/100

    Haley, I think your project had some good information in it, but it could have used more. I do appreciate you actually building a Parthenon (thus the 25 pts. for visuals!) but I hope you can find a way to connect more with the class during the presentation.

    (Your classmates gave you a 90.)
