Thursday, April 7, 2011

Presentations Day 3

Math and Science Breakthroughs (Kevin 90%)
* Pythagoras figured out pie
* Archimedes came up with the idea of a screw
* Pythagoras came up with the Pythagorean theorem about the angles of triangles
* They came up with 0
* Euclid invented geometry
* Everything in the world can be explained through math, science, logic, and reason

1. Who came up with the idea of a screw? Archimedes
2. What was the Pythagorean theorem about? Angles of triangles
3. Who invented geometry? Euclid

Alexander the Great (Morgan 100%)
* Born in 356 BC Pella, Macedonia
* Son of Philip of Macedon
* Mother told him he was a greek god
* Student of Aristotle
   - Born in Macedonia
* Received a wild horse when he was 12
* He had to tame the horse
* His name was Bucephalus which named a city after the horse
* Captian in the Macedonian army at the age of 16
* He was nice to people that he conquered so thats why they would fight with him
* Known as one of the greatest general
* 340 BC he was made regent in Macedonia
* Never lost a battle
* Died at age 33 probably from malaria
* He has many names he is called by

1. What was the deal between him and his dad with the horse? He had to tame the horse or he had to pay for the horse
2. Why did he probably do so good in battle? He was nice to people that he conquered so thats why they would want to fight with him
3. How old did he die? Age 33

Greek Philosophers (Tasha 100%)
* Aristotle
   - Brightest student at Plato academy
   - Focused on observation and experience of human life, the natural world, and the western philosophy
   - Turned his mind to categories:
      + logic, physical work, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history
* Plato
   - Born into a wealthy family
   - Real name was Aristocles
   - Wrote the dialogue called the allegory of the cave
   - Studied philosophy, logics, mathematics, and science
* Socrates
   - Powerful thinker
   - The method of question and answer is called the Socratic method
   - Student of Socrates
   - Got sentence to death for mocking the gods and telling them that there is other ways of things happening

1. Who were the three great greek philosophers? Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
2. What were the main things Aristotle studied? logic, physical work, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history
3. Why did Socrates get sentenced to death? For mocking the gods and telling them that there is other ways of things happening

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