Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 3

     * He became ruler in 514 BC
     * His brother was murdered
            - This lead him to execute many people in revenge
              for his brothers death because he was paranoid
    * He decided to try to take over Hippiass for his family
      and fellow aristocrats
          - He was captured and banished form Athens 
          - People looked up to him because of his bravery and
            what he did
    * He began to feel that when he became ruler more and
      more people were against him
         - He was overthrown by Isagoris
         - Cleisthenes and his people revolted and Isagoris 
Olympic Games
    * People were aloud to compete against whoever they
    * Many people would come to attend
    * This is where they decided on their country 
    * They voted by a white pebble (yes) and a black pebble
           - This was the first Democracy and it worked very

New Generation 490 BC
     * He ran to Marathon for survival
           - He ran away from the war in his hometown of
             Athens to ask for help
           - He ran 140 miles in two days
           - When he finally arrived to seek help he was
     * They were big and ruled
     * When Athens began to gain power, they didn't like
     * They didn't practice freedom like Greece did
     * The Athenians only had a hoplite to defend them
            - They were out-numbered but still felt hope
            - The Athenians won the battle
            - They killed over 6,000 Persians in one day 
    * He fought in the Athenian battle against Persia 

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