Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 2

     * Grew up knowing he was an aristocrat
          - They had money and power
          - They ruled anyone lower than them
          - Anyone below this had to listen and follow the aristocrats
     * He was highly inspired by the Greek stories and tales
          - The two most popular were the Iliad and the Odyssey  (written by Homer)
    * The highest city/ area in Greece
City States
    * Greece was divided into tiny nations called city states
          - They all didn't act like one united empire
          - They fought with each other
    * Sparta
          - They were the one city state actually trained and grew up becoming tough and ready for war
     * Pisistratus 
         - Cleisthenes brother in law that came in claiming he was with the goddess Athena when it was really tall lady
        - Because people he thought it was an actually goddess he gained power and control over Athens
        - He began to start treating regular people really well to gain more control
     * Athens first artistic thing was the vase
     * It was more famous for what was inside of it then the look and design of it

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