Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ancient Greek Test Revision

                Today in class, we revised our test by going over answers around the class. It was frustrating when there was an answer that I got wrong which I already knew but for some reason put the wrong answer. I am really glad that we went over the test because I feel like I understand the subject better and some answers that weren’t clear are now straightened out for me which is good. The funniest part about today was when Sam asked Morgan about her nails when Morgan was trying to answer a question. Even though Morgan didn’t respond, Sam still continued to talk to her and answer questions. We also were assigned projects for ancient Greece which I am excited to do. I am planning on working hard for it so I can get a good grade to start out the quarter!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ancient Greece Test

      Today in class we took a matching test on ancient Greece. It was based on people and on the titles of important things. When I first started out, I thought that I was doing great. Further down, I began to skip more and more of the questions. By the time I was finished the test my answers began to not match up considering my last answer stated that Xerxes was a Spartan ruler. It’s not that the test was hard, its just that the closer to the ends of class the more I rushed and I freaked out. I think if I was to do it over, I would do it differently and better. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 5

     * He was born a aristocrat
     * He knew that everyone wanted a city fit to rule 
       an empire
     * He turned his attention to the acropolis
             - The Athenians left this untouched since 
               the war against Persia, but Pericles had 
               a different plan
     * This is what Pericles planned on putting on 
       the acropolis
     * The workers were free to design the way they
        pleased instead of being forced to do it a 
        specific way
     * Pericles was very involved in the building of this 
       (which took 15 years)
     * It became the most glorious symbol of their empire
     * There were regular people carved in friezes (500 feet
     * This was the women that Pericles had a relationship
        with even though that wasn't his wife
     * She was foreign, but was treated the same way
       men were treated
     * This was a scandal and surprised everyone
     * She was beautiful and smart
     * Down below the acropolis was the VERY FIRST theater
     * When the audience didn't like the story, they 
       would boo and hiss, but when they liked it, 
       they would cry with the tragedies
              - This was different then out theater because
                 they were much more loud and people 
                 got more into it
    * These stories preformed were called tragedies
      (it was the first invention of drama) or comedies
      (making fun of high powered people)

431 BC

     * Athens wanted to go in war with Sparta because we 
       wanted more (he wasn't satisfied) he was hubris
     * Sparta was the only other city state equal with Athens
     * Victory over Sparta would bring them over topped

Friday, March 18, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 4

     * He wasn't born as an aristocrat, but became strong and powerful 
       because he was good at his job
    * He led them through the second war against Persia
    * He sent a man to trick the Persians into the spot where they wanted
    * They were battle ships that were made to run into other ships
    * They had 70 men all trained to row the boat in synchronization
    * It had a big piece of wood in the front of it to pierce the other boat
    * They were very expensive
    * This is what Athens used to destroy Persia (over sea)
    * They found riches and everyone wanted to spend it evenly
    * Themistocles told them that they should use the money to buy 
    * They bought over 200 triremes
    * Darius's son
    * He wanted to destroy Athens because they lost the first time, so he 
      began to gather warriors
    * News reached Athens that Xerxes and his army had set out for Athens
    * He was determined he would win
    * He burned everything that was important to Athens
    * Athens destroyed him and his people over sea
    * Athens sent out for an oracle to see how the war would turn out or 
      what they should do
          - She told them to run because they were doomed
    * He went back for a second time
          - He interpreted the oracle as it being that his ships wouldn't fail
    * The one at Delphi was the most popular one
    * The Athenian people abandoned Athens and ran away to Salamas
Delian League
    * The Greeks empire

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 3

     * He became ruler in 514 BC
     * His brother was murdered
            - This lead him to execute many people in revenge
              for his brothers death because he was paranoid
    * He decided to try to take over Hippiass for his family
      and fellow aristocrats
          - He was captured and banished form Athens 
          - People looked up to him because of his bravery and
            what he did
    * He began to feel that when he became ruler more and
      more people were against him
         - He was overthrown by Isagoris
         - Cleisthenes and his people revolted and Isagoris 
Olympic Games
    * People were aloud to compete against whoever they
    * Many people would come to attend
    * This is where they decided on their country 
    * They voted by a white pebble (yes) and a black pebble
           - This was the first Democracy and it worked very

New Generation 490 BC
     * He ran to Marathon for survival
           - He ran away from the war in his hometown of
             Athens to ask for help
           - He ran 140 miles in two days
           - When he finally arrived to seek help he was
     * They were big and ruled
     * When Athens began to gain power, they didn't like
     * They didn't practice freedom like Greece did
     * The Athenians only had a hoplite to defend them
            - They were out-numbered but still felt hope
            - The Athenians won the battle
            - They killed over 6,000 Persians in one day 
    * He fought in the Athenian battle against Persia 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crucible of Civilization 2

     * Grew up knowing he was an aristocrat
          - They had money and power
          - They ruled anyone lower than them
          - Anyone below this had to listen and follow the aristocrats
     * He was highly inspired by the Greek stories and tales
          - The two most popular were the Iliad and the Odyssey  (written by Homer)
    * The highest city/ area in Greece
City States
    * Greece was divided into tiny nations called city states
          - They all didn't act like one united empire
          - They fought with each other
    * Sparta
          - They were the one city state actually trained and grew up becoming tough and ready for war
     * Pisistratus 
         - Cleisthenes brother in law that came in claiming he was with the goddess Athena when it was really tall lady
        - Because people he thought it was an actually goddess he gained power and control over Athens
        - He began to start treating regular people really well to gain more control
     * Athens first artistic thing was the vase
     * It was more famous for what was inside of it then the look and design of it

Monday, March 14, 2011

Crucible of Civilization

  • Geography of Greece
    • Mountainous peninsula
      • Mountains cover 3/4
    • Approx. 1,400 islands in the Aegean and lonian seas
    • Location shaped its culture
    • Skilled sailors
    • Poor natural resources
    • Difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain
      • Developed small independent communities
    • Only about 20% were suitable for farming
    • Fertile valleys cover 1/4 of the peninsula
    • Because of geography the Greek diet consist of grains, grapes, olives
    • Lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization
    • Temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer
  • Mycenaeans
    • Ancestors of Greek
    • Began around 2000 B.C.
    •  Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft thick wall
    • Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 B.C.
      • Controlled trade in the region
    • 1400 B.C. Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language
    • 1200 B.C.: sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
    • The Dorians moved into the war-torn region
      • Far less advanced
      • Economy collapsed
      • Writing disappeared for 400 years
  • Homer and Myths
    • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
    • Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
    • Recorded stories of the Trojan War in the Iliad and the Odyssey
      • Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaeans
  • Greek Concepts
    • Arete
      • Virtue and excellence
    • Epics
      • Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
    • Myths were created to explain creation
      • Zeus: leader of the gods
      • Hera: Zeus's wife
      • Athena: goddess of wisdom

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Video Notes

  • Athenian War
    • Clisthenes
      • We was born as a ruler
      • The night of the Athenian war was a turning point for his life and all of Greece
      • He set his fellow Greeks on the path to empire
      • He was born around 508 BC
      • Grew up knowing he was an aristocrat
      • He was always inspired by the Greeks Stories
        • Travelers would come in and tell him and fellow Greeks stories
        • The Eliot and the Odyssey were the most popular
    • Athens
      • Athens soon became an empire of its own
        • It didn’t seem like this being that it was a horrible down rules by aristocrats only worried about keeping there power
      • Located in Greece
      • Reading and writing was a rare skill
      • Life expectancy was less than 15 yrs
      • Not a society of equal
        • They lived under the rules of the aristocrats
  • Sparta
    • The only city state with a good military background
      • Their lives were structured around discipline and war
      • They were brought up to be a military man
    • They were believed to be the soon ruler of Greece
    • They always posed a threat to Greece 
  • Pisistratus
    • He became tyrant of Athens
      • He went in with a tall lady with a helmet on and said that he should be their leader because he was waling with the goddess Athena
      • They believed him and he became their leader
      • Really, he just had a tall lady with a mask who was not actually a goddess

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ancient Greece Intro

            In class today we went over the Persian War again. We learned about how Athens was the capitol and largest city in Greece and how Spartans were one of the most feared military forces in world history. We learned about different wars like the Persian wars and the Peloponnesia war. After that, we learned about all of the famous people in Greece and Sparta and what roles they played for their country. The subject I found most interesting was the bridge of Hellespont. I thought this was so interesting because of the Phoenician’s lack of technology, but ability to build such a unique and useful invention of a bridge made out of boats tied together with one inch thick ropes. I think that Ancient Greece, just like Ancient Egypt, is very interesting and I am excited to learn about it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Darius the Great

                In class we learned and read a story about ancient Greece. Then, we each got assigned a specific subject to research find information on. I was assigned to Darius the Great. I found out that he was born in 521 BC and died in Oct-485 BC. His father was Hystaspes and I never found out who his mother was. He lived a family of royalty, strongly believing in in the religion of Zoroaster. His job for the empire was to gain strong natural frontiers for the empire and keep down the barbarous tribes on its borders. Throughout his lifetime he ended up fighting against the Sacae and other Turanian tribes. As you can see he was a very helpful man who had a great impact to his empire.   

Monday, March 7, 2011

Success for the Test!

                Today we took the ancient and current Egyptian test. This test actually went a lot smoother than I thought. I feel I did pretty well and I think I even did well on the essay; although, I thought this part of the test was the hardest part. Not that it was too challenging, it was just more challenging than the rest of the test. I thought Egypt is very interesting and I admire them for their intelligence and ability to invent things that no one in their time would have ever thought of! From this experience, I am excited for whatever chapter is coming next!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Enjoyable Day

                Today, February 3, 2011, we basically did the same thing we did yesterday which was review for our test on Monday. Before we really got to work, we didn’t start class until a little later than expected after Mr. Schick arrived late to class. We all went inside and reviewed ancient Egypt. Again, we talked about the pyramids, Egypt’s geography, and the Egyptians daily life out in the desert. In fact, we had such a long class today that we got done a whole mod early, so then we just enjoyed a little time to ourselves after we received that mod off. Overall today was productive and enjoyable!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ancient Egypt test Review

                In class we reviewed for our test on ancient and present Egypt. Today we talked about the Nile River, their social hierarchy, and the great Sphinx of Giza. We discussed that the Nile was a major contributor to bathing, drinking, transportation, crops, and everything else they have ever come to know. We also talked about its reoccurrences in July and October. We learned that the Nile has major floods in July, leaving rich soil in October. After reviewing this section, we learned that the Egyptians social hierarchy included pharaoh, government official, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, and slaves and servants. Finally, we talked about oldest monumental statue in the world, also known as the great Sphinx of Giza. It is described as recumbent lion with a humans head.