Wednesday, May 18, 2011


                Today in class, we studied for our test. We went over what happened religiously in Rome. We got partners to study for our test and my partner was Julia. We talked about the order of emperors starting with Caesar, then Tiberius, then Caligula, and finally Claudias. We studied about how Caesar issued a census when he was in power. We also studied about Jesus and his teachings created a lot of conflict. This is all me and Julia went over. WE went over a lot of stuff in class. I plan to study for our test and I feel very prepared!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Today in class we went over the test that we are going to take on Thursday. We talked about Octavian and how he was the first emperor of Rome. Then, we talked about Jesus and Paul in a historical view, instead of a biblical view. After that, we talked about Tiberius, and how he was the second emperor, but were crazy. After this, we talked about Caligula and how crazy and rude he was. We talked about how his first seven months were good and then it all went downhill. We also discussed that all of the rumors said about Caligula could either be true or just over exaggerated. Finally, we talked about Claudius and that even though he was made fun of as a child, he was a good and kind emperor. 

3 Emperors

I know this is late, but i forgot to post it all weekend. 

* Stepson of Augustus 
* He was next in line for emperor
* This made people wary because he hadn't earned anyones respect and they feared he did't have enough knowledge in the that job
* He wasn't the first choice of Augustus
* He started off well, then his ideas became more weird and strange

A bust of the Emperor Tiberius.

* Became emperor 25 years old
* He had crazy ideas and people considered him crazy 
* He was murdered by his aids
Bust of Caligula (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek)

* He was disfigured
* People made fun of him and pulled pranks on him before he became emperor
* Proved to be an able and efficient administrator

Bronze bust of Claudius

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Movie about Rome

Yesterday in class, we watched a video about Rome after the death of Julius Caesar. After he died, Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavius, took over. He did a very good job as ruler, taking over and reigning in many lands. During his reign, he basically “owned” the whole entire Mediterranean Sea. Although, his reigning came to an end and he died and his step son Tiberius took over. People were weary when letting him rule their empire, and his reign proved fatal. He did a very bad job as dictator, with armies turning against him because he treated his people poorly. We haven’t gotten pretty far in the movie, but from what I can tell it looks like Rome’s great reign is coming to an end.

Greece and Rome test Review

In class on Monday, we reviewed and went over the test on Greece and the test on Rome. The test on Rome I did very well on and felt very confident about. The test on Greece, I knew the answers once we went over them, but during the test I kept putting all the wrong answers. That explains why I didn’t do so well on that test. For the test on Greece, I studied for it and paid attention in class. I think I just got nervous during the test, so I kept putting wrong answers even for questions that I knew

Thursday, May 5, 2011


         Today in class we watched power points. First, i learned that the Eutrascins had their own written language which is where Rome got most of their writing techniques from. Then, they showed us that Rome had a king called Tarquin, but he was a very bad king. After the people realized this, they never had a dictator again and this is when they invented their republican government. The plebians were considered "under" the patricians. The punic wars were between Carthage and Rome and there were about three of them. Latifundia was added from the spoils of war, and it was worked by farmers and those with not high power. The Gracchus Brothers were Roman plebian nobles. As nobles, they attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge places of patrician land among the plebeians. They were both assassinated for their attempts. Caesar was killed because the Senate feared he was too powerfull. The roman roads allowed the Romans to do many things between trading goods to moving armies. The Romans have a big history, and I learned mch about it today in class.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Julius Caesar PowerPoint

                Today in class we picked partners to create a PowerPoint. Then, we picked numbers that said what paragraph from the rap we would be basing our PowerPoint off of.  My group picked number four, randomly, which was about Gaius Julius Caesar, also known as Julius Caesar. He achieved many things during his life time, and even led Rome into a full empire. He led the war which ended with a victory and power over Gaul. He also created an alliance with Crassus and Pompey called the First Triumvirate. He did and achieved so many great things, but sadly was killed in 44 BC.